Applications (1 – 8 / 8)

Icons Catalogue 1.0 java

This is a very simple search tool for (primarily) Fatcow icons on your local machine. Fatcow icons can be downloaded from Factow’s repository, but it should work with any icon set with a compatible file structure.

Image Library 1.1.2 java

Image Library lets you manage images and videos by associating tags to them. This is a full re-implementation of my Python-based application.

Java Swing GUI Framework 1.5 java

A framework to build Java Swing programs.

Jenealogio 2 java

A user-friendly, inclusive, LGBTQAI+-friendly and non-spying family tree manager.

JSON 4 Java 1.3 java

JSON 4 Java is a simple JSON library for Java.

Minesweeper 1.2.1 java

Minesweeper game in Java.

TI-83+ Compiler 2.0 java

A compiler/decompiler for TI-83+ programs.

Unicode Converter 1.1.2 java

A small Unicode characters converter.